A Veteran Owned Family Business

Mesquite Honey Pint


Lots of folks ask us how we know what name to give the honey. The answer is really simple. Say you wanted mesquite honey for instance, you just need to place the hives in an area that has predominantly Mesquite trees. If you do that before the nectar flow and extract the honey from the frames after that flow, you are gonna get Mesquite Honey. If you leave hives in place all season, you get our great tasting Desert Blend Honey

Eat it up, it’s way better than sugar, and tastes so gosh darn good! If you are a grilling fanatic, you have to try this on your favorite meat. There really is a nice woody edge to this honey that the that the trained palette is sure to appreciate.  Mesquite honey tends to crystallize fairly quick when it does crystalize. Crystal size and color can vary from very light almost white to amber depending on surrounding vegetation.

$ 18.00
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